“Pietá.” That Which Remains Journal. Volume 2. Columbia University. January 2022.

Translation of Sappho Fragments 1 & 31. Ezra: An Online Journal of Translation. Volume 13.2. May 2019.

“Dumbfound.” Sensitive Skin. 2020.

Video of my reading for Sensitive Skin with Greg Pardlo and Drew Hubner. Sensitive Skin Beer Virus Reading #8. May 14, 2020. (I’m at minute 2:32ff.)

Published under the name “Kristin Agudelo”

“Boy, Seized.” Ars Medica. Volume 11. 2. 2016. (reprinted from The Maine Review. Winter 2015.)

“Flowers of Remembrance,” The Commonline Journal. 2014. (reprinted in Fear of Monkeys. Vol 19. Fall 2014. )

“Hermaphrodite.” The Non-Binary Review. Volume 4: Bullfinch’s Mythology. March 2015.

“Ourobouros". The Cafe Review. Fall 2014.“

“World of Forms.” The Mom Egg Review. Volume 13. 2015.


A still from the Sensitive Skin reading during the 2020 lockdown.


Mysteria Mundi Project


Educational Publications